Multi-Asset ETF Portfolio Best Route for Smaller Endowments, Isenberg Professor Says

By admin
In July 20, 2017
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Hossein Kazemi, senior adviser to the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) Association and professor of finance at the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, is claiming that many endowments should skip investments in illiquid assets such as hedge funds and private equity in favor of a multi-asset ETF portfolio.

Kazemi argues that most endowments should not attempt to mimic the Harvard or Yale Endowment portfolio mix by including a vast array of alternative investments, because few of them have the kind of access to top-tier managers that they do, which can lead to “pretty pricey underperformance”.

Kazemi goes on to say that smaller endowments should pursue a specific ETF mix that can provide a more stable return with less of the cost. This mix, according to Kazemi, should provide “similar exposures as a combination liquid/illiquid portfolio, minus many of the expenses associated with illiquid assets”.

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