Recent Studies Highlight Rapid Use of Liquid Alternatives. Managers Set Sights on DC Plans
A recent article published by COOConnect provides hard data on the growing use of alternative investments. Our key takeaways: “The liquid alternatives industry is growing at a faster rate than traditional hedge funds as investor interest in these regulated structures shows no sign of abating. Liquid Alternatives grew 43% in 2013 to $137 billion and will reach between $650 and $950 billion by 2018.” ... -
Alternative Investments
The use of alternative investments continues to grow. According to Lipper, alternative mutual funds saw the biggest percentage growth of any fund group, with assets under management increasing 41% to $178.6 billion in 2013. A recent report by Goldman Sachs projects liquid alternatives are in the early stage of a growth trend that could produce $2 trillion in assets under management in the next 10 years. The number of funds have... -
Growth of Liquid Alternatives
The proliferation of liquid alternative strategies is causing many advisors to take so much time away from servicing their clients that it has become a distraction. As the saying goes, you’ll spend 90% of your time looking at alternatives, and it will make up just 10% of your portfolio. There was nearly $162 billion in assets in 429 alternative mutual funds at the end of February 2014, up from...