Endowment Index™ Posts Slight Gain For Week Ended 6/14/2019

By S Moore
In June 17, 2019
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The Endowment Index™ calculated by Nasdaq OMX® (Symbol: ENDOW) closed at 1,263.79 Friday, rising 0.17% from the previous Friday’s close of 1,261.66.

The Endowment Index™ represents the investable opportunity for managers of portfolios utilizing the Endowment Investment Philosophy or otherwise incorporate alternative investments within a comprehensive asset allocation strategy. The Endowment Index measures performance for a multi-asset, globally-diversified, three-dimensional portfolio that includes Global Equity, Global Income, and Alternative Investments (like Private Equity, Hedge Funds and Real Assets). The Index uses an objective, rules-based construction methodology based upon the portfolio allocations of over 800 educational institutions managing over $615 billion in total assets. Each of the 19 sub-indexes that currently comprise the index are investable, and contained within those sub-indexes are over 34,000 underlying securities. You can obtain real-time pricing data on the Endowment Index under the symbol “ENDOW” through major quote providers, including Bloomberg, Google Finance and others. The Morningstar® Index ID for the Endowment Index is F00000TPG6.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. You cannot invest directly in an index. Indexes do not contain fees.