The Other 496 S&P Stocks

By admin
In July 18, 2017
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In an article from the Wall Street Journal, Justin Lahart describes how the immense growth of Amazon, Apple, Google parent Alphabet, and Facebook has been propelling a substantial portion of the S&P 500’s gains.

The article also touches on how the S&P 500 Growth index has outperformed, while the S&P 500 Value index has under-performed. It goes on to discuss the S&P 500 Equal Weight Index and its inability to outperform the S&P 500, indicating that midsize and small company shares, within the growth and value categories, have been under-performing.

Given the fact that the stock market is currently driven by a small amount of stocks, it could be setting itself up for trouble. According to Lahart, “it might not take much for investors to suddenly pine for all the stocks and styles they have abandoned“.

Link to full article