ETF Model SolutionsTM Named Finalist for 2016 Wisconsin Innovation Awards

By admin
In August 4, 2016
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August 4, 2016.  APPLETON, Wis.—ETF Model SolutionsTM has been named a finalist for the Wisconsin Innovation Awards for the development of its automated investment service, www.MyRoboAdviser. com. is an online investment service that provides automated, goals-based investment advice directly to individuals through any internet-connected device. was created for millennials and digitally-connected individuals who are increasingly using digital apps.  The service provides automated:

  • Account creation
  • Account funding
  • Portfolio management
  • Deposits and withdrawals
  • Tax minimization’s investment allocations are differentiated by the use of the Endowment Investment PhilosophyTM which advocates the use of unique alternative investments such as liquid private equity, hedge strategies, and real assets.  These alternative asset classes, when blended with globally-diversified stock and bond holdings, create 3-dimensional multi-asset, globally diversified portfolios that seek to improve risk-adjusted returns over portfolios containing only stocks and bonds. offers 100 unique investment portfolios containing exchange traded funds (ETFs).  The majority of the portfolios are based upon the holdings of its proprietary Endowment IndexTMcalculated by Nasdaq OMX®.

The Wisconsin Innovation Awards (“WIA”) seek to celebrate and inspire innovation. The WIA highlights and honors the development of groundbreaking and innovative ideas. By celebrating transformational ideas, WIA hopes to encourage an even greater environment of innovation by bringing innovators together from various business sectors (e.g. tech, food, healthcare, agriculture, nonprofits, education, government), from throughout the State of Wisconsin.  The Wisconsin Innovation Awards are led by a steering committee of business, community and entrepreneurial leaders.  The third annual Awards ceremony will take place on August 16, 2016 at the Wisconsin Union Theater in Madison, WI.

ETF Model SolutionsTMdesigns ETF-based investment solutions for advisers, institutions, retirement plans and individual investors based upon the Endowment Investment PhilosophyTM. The Firm is the investment manager for the Endowment Multi-Asset Collective Investment Fund (CUSIP 26923F105), a Collective Investment Trust which can be added as an investment option in most 401(k) plans.

Contact:         Tim Landolt, MBA

Managing Director, ETF Model SolutionsTM, LLC

Info: | | | WI Innovation Awards


The information herein is presented for informational purposes and should not be used as investment or tax advice.  Investing carries risk and investors should consider the risks and costs of investing before making any investment.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  You cannot invest directly in an index. Indexes do not have fees. Award recognition does not qualify as an endorsement of any particular index, investment firm, investment, or investment strategy. The Wisconsin Innovation Awards Finalist for 2016 was awarded on 8/3/2016 by Wisconsin Innovation Awards. No solicitation payment was made to the award sponsor to be nominated or to qualify for the award. Judging criteria for the award can be found at: .
