• Use of Alternatives in Defined Contribution Plans within Multi-Asset portfolios.  This November 2014 report written by Leo Zerilli, Head of Investments at John Hancock, uses the analogy of the tortoise and the hare to describe that the slow, steady approach of a diversified portfolio with reduced volatility through the use of liquid alts, may better serve participants as they accumulate retirement assets.  Since university endowment allocations to alternatives are currently approximately 53%, plan fiduciaries that don’t currently offer investment options that include alternative investments may be falling short of their fiduciary responsibilities.
  • How DC Plans Can Benefit by Implementing DB Plan Allocations  This BNY Mellon report provides a comprehensive comparison between the out performance of DB plans over DC plans. The article provides a road map to consultants, advisers and Plan Sponsors for offering investment options within their DC plan to include real assets, emerging market equities, and liquid alternatives, can potentially lead to improved performance, reduced volatility, greater diversification, and inflation protection.